2 person Stick League Curling
Friday 2 person Stick League has 2 draws - 1 pm & 2:15 pm
Any Patron discounts will be applied after (if applicable)
Please note you MUST click 'submit' at the end of registration for it to be completed. If you do not do this and/or have not received a confirmation email, you are not registered. Please collect payment from team members and submit the full league fee as a team rather than individually. Please enter the names and email addresses of all members of the team when registering.
Membership Fee Requirements
ALL team members are required to submit an annual membership fee of $50 once per season (does not need to be paid multiple times if playing in multiple leagues). This fee covers your Curl Manitoba and Curl Canada dues, while eliminating the past mandatory fundraising.
Team members who do not pay their membership fee ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO PLAY IN LEAGUES!
For individuals looking for a team, please register under INDIVIDUAL sign up.
How To Pay:
E-transfer to brandoncurls@wcgwave.ca.
Cheque payable to the Brandon Curling Club