Tuesday Night Fun League - Half Season
This is a new league to the club. The focus is less on competition and more on fun, with games being 6-ends and teams not being limited on ages or genders. If you are a newer curler, a curler looking for a shorter time commitment, or someone wanting a different team make-up then this is the league for you. Individuals and teams can sign up for this league for the full season or a half season. Please ensure you use the correct link below when registering.
Sign up as a team or as an individual and we will help you find a team!
Please note you MUST click 'submit' at the end of registration for it to be completed. If you do not do this and/or have not received a confirmation email, you are not registered.
Membership Fee Requirements
ALL curlers are required to submit an annual membership fee of $50 once per season (does not need to be paid multiple times if playing in multiple leagues). This fee covers your Curl Manitoba and Curl Canada dues, while eliminating the past mandatory fundraising.
Curlers who do not pay their membership fee ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO PLAY IN LEAGUES!
How To Pay:
E-transfer to brandoncurls@wcgwave.ca.
Cheque payable to the Brandon Curling Club